Organizational Design


Course Information

Course Length    : 6 Weeks
Estimated Effort : 3 – 4 hours per week


Course Overview

In this business and management course, suitable for managers and leaders in midsize to large organizations, you will learn the principles of organizational design and how design elements can be leveraged to gain competitive advantage.

We will discuss various organizational structures and how an effective organizational design can help achieve a company’s goals and objectives in a sustainable manner. Since organizations involve collaborative activities, you’ll also learn how to create suitable control systems, decision-making processes and culture and reporting relationships to ensure that the efforts of a diverse set of employees are suitably coordinated to achieve the organizational purpose.

Professor Sourav Mukherji

Course Instructor

Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB)


Course Syllabus

Week 1 - Introduction to Organization Design and Strategy

• Case Discussion
• Unwrapping the Case Study
• Concluding Argument of the Case Study

Week 2 - Specialization, Processes, and Control Systems

• Case study – Cunningham Motors
• Specialization
• Processes
• Control Systems and Price Mechanism
• Understanding Control Systems

Week 3 - Evaluating Control Systems & Understanding Outsourcing

• Application of Control Systems in Functional Activities
• Outsourcing for Beginners
• Why is Outsourcing Popular among Organisations?
• Orchestrating the Importance of Outsourcing
• Different Modes of Manufacturing

Week 4 - Different Types of Organizational Structures and Designs

• Discussion of the Case Study: Acme and Omega
• Structural trade-offs – Complexity, Formalization and Centralization
• Decision Dilemma – Taking Cue from Acme and Omega
• Concluding Argument

Week 5 - Structural Groupings in Organizational Design

• Different Organization Structures – Functional, Divisional, and Matrix
• Decoding Functional and Divisional Structure
• Introduction to Hybrid Structure
• Understanding Structural Groupings Through Cases

Week 6 - Matrix Structure and Applications of Structural Groupings

• In-Depth Analysis of Matrix Structure in Real World
• Organizational Operations in a Multinational Set – Ups
• Strategy and Structure of a Multinational Enterprise

  • Interrelationship between an organization’s strategy and structure
  • Effective use of control systems
  • How to achieve Competitive advantage through different designs
  • Structural alternatives such as functional, divisional and matrix
  • Structural tradeoffs such as centralization, formalization and complexity
  • How to manage structural change

Managers, Human Resource Personnel, Corporate Strategists, Students pursuing postgraduate in Management and Corporate Strategy.

“The best instructor for me in this programme was Prof. Sourav Mukherji. The sessions and online videos were very interactive and full of energy and enthusiasm. I am even thinking of doing a full – time management course after their session of few hours.” – Raghavendran V,  World Bank.

 “I found the course very good with a mix of theory and case studies.” – Pavan Kumar Nandyala, Infosys.