Financial Accounting and Analysis

 5 weeks of content/4-5 hours per week

Course Information

Course Length : 5 Weeks
Estimated Effort : 4 – 5 hours per week

Course Overview

Are you one of those professionals who is curious and wants to learn about financial statements, but is intimidated by financial numbers and jargon? Then this course is for you!

In this course, we will demystify accounting jargon, help you understand financial statements and analyse them for better decisions. Whatever be your background – marketing, operations, supply chain, strategy, engineering or others, in today’s competitive world, you need to use and interpret crucial financial data for making informed decisions.

This course will enable you to:

  • Understand the various elements of financial statements
  • Apply accounting principles related to its preparation
  • Use tools and techniques to analyse and interpret the key parameters of financial performance

The course has direct application and high relevance in every professional’s life. Concepts learnt in the course can be applied in day to day management for improving operations and creating value for the organization. You will also be able to assess financial implications of your decisions.

The course will be covered in an easy, simple and interactive manner through various hands-on activities, short cases and easy-to-understand examples.

No previous finance knowledge is needed. Come armed with enthusiasm and curiosity to learn.

Professor Padmini Srinivasan

Course Instructor
Finance & Accounting
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB).


Course Syllabus

Week 1: Introduction to Financial Accounting

You will begin your study of Financial accounting and analysis by looking at the overall structure of accounting information and the structure of reporting. In this week, you will:

  • Meet various users of financial information.
  • Discuss the accounting information system.
  • Learn fundamental accounting concepts.
  • Understand basic financial statements. Prepare financial statements using the accounting equation.
Week 2: A Closer Look at the Balance Sheet

In this week, you will learn to define and cite examples of various elements in the balance sheet related to:

  • Assets
  • Liabilities
  • Equity
Week 3: A Closer Look at the Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement and Statement of Changes in Equity
  • Learn the Concepts and various elements of the income statement. Appreciate the challenges faced in the preparation of the income statement.
  • Understand the structure, elements and importance of the cash flow statement.
  • Develop a basic understanding of statement of equity.
Weeks 4 & 5: Financial Statement Analysis
  • Apply tools and techniques to analyse the financial statements to understand the performance.
  • Use tools to understand the operational, financial and investment efficiency.


  • Basic financial concepts
  • Financial statements and their elements
  • Various accounting standards with respect to the elements in the financial statements
  • Techniques to analyse the financial statements
  • Interpretation of financial statements for better decision-making

Executives, students pursuing post graduate and anyone who wants to upskill themselves on Financial Accounting.

I am one of your students in the “Financial accounting and analysis” course offered by IIMB in the Swayam portal.
Being an Engineering graduate, Finance has been a daunting subject for me.
Thank you for the amazing course.
It instigated my interest in financial accounting and helped me quickly comprehend it.Thanks to your different modes of teaching ( be it clever & trigger, interaction with students, conversation with various stakeholders etc), rather than a boring way of teaching, kept the readers very engaged. –Shvani Maheshbabu