International Business Environment and Global Strategy

Course Information

Course Length : 3 Weeks
Estimated Effort : 5-6 hours per week

Course Overview

This IIMBx course focuses on the role of social, political, economic, and institutional environments of a country in moulding and defining the country’s objectives, strategy, programs, and policies for achieving objectives, and in influencing the growth of companies. All of these factors affect the business environment in the country and present opportunities and risks for companies and their strategy.

The course is applied, rather than theoretical, in nature; and participants of this course will learn by looking at examples of countries and existing companies. We will focus on selected aspects of a range of countries: Japan, South Korea, the former Soviet Union, Singapore, Chile, Turkey, India, and South Africa. We will look at Japan in some depth, devoting the entire first week to it while getting shorter glimpses of the other countries.

The course will review aspects of global institutions, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), which set global rules that profoundly affect business strategy and human welfare. It will also explore opportunities and challenges at the bottom of the pyramid, the last frontier for value creation by companies and NGOs.

Course Syllabus: Incorrect syllabus. (The content is the same as that of Innovation and Information Technology Management). Kindly verify the content for both the courses.

Professor Sushil Vachani

Course Instructor
Former Director
Strategy and Innovation
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB)