Strategy and the Sustainable Enterprise

3 – 4 hours per week

Course Information

Course Length     : 5 weeks
Estimated Effort  : 3 – 4 hrs per week

Course Overview

As the global business arena becomes more and more dynamic with every passing year, the sustainability of individual businesses has become a pressing concern for strategists. Focusing on the developments in the global business scenario, the IIMBx course Strategy and the Sustainable Enterprise analyses the structure of sustainable development from a business perspective, highlighting multiple frameworks to address sustainability-related challenges.

A clear observation of how other firms are responding to the numerous sustainability-challenges—through the adoption of sustainability-driven perspectives—can prove beneficial to any firm to foresee and identify the potentially crippling challenges and transform them into profitable opportunities, thus benefiting both itself and society. Hence, the course also brings several experts from the corporate and the academic spheres to the table for meaningful discussions on sustainable development.

While considering the rapid change in the business landscape in a globalised world, the course deals with the need to manage stakeholders and risks through the lens of sustainability. The last modules of the course exclusively detail the journey that a firm can take to continually transform into a sustainable enterprise.

This course is pitched at a beginner-level and is suitable for learners who are interested and willing to delve deep into the fields of Sustainability, Strategic Management, Business, and Environmental/ Social Stewardship.

Professor P D Jose

Course Instructor
Strategy Area
Former Chairperson, Digital Learning – IIMBx
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB)

Course Syllabus

Week 1: What is Sustainability and why should Strategists care?
  • Introduction to Sustainability
  • The Changing Landscapes of Business
  • New Rules of Doing Business
Week 2: Managing Stakeholders
  • Introduction to Stakeholder Management
  • The Stakeholder Theory of the Firm
  • Managing for Stakeholder Value
  • Stakeholders and Non-Market Strategies
Week 3: Managing Sustainability Risks
  • Introduction to Risk Management
  • Assessing Sustainability Risks
  • Managing Issues
  • Managing Risks in a Global Context
Week 4: Transforming into the Sustainable Enterprise
  • Introduction to Corporate Sustainability
  • Tools and Techniques 
  • Green Supply Chain Management
  • Company Case Studies
  • Sustainability Reporting
Week 5: The Anarchist Corporation
  • Introduction
  • New Business Models for Sustainability
  • The Anarchist Corporation
  • Corporate Stories
  • Synthesis and Summation

After completing this course, learners should be able to:

  • Elaborate on the changing business landscape from different perspectives
  • Apply tools for stakeholder management and risk management
  • Develop a lens to analyse a firm for sustainability challenges
  • Present new business models for sustainability

Learners interested in fields of Sustainability, Strategic Management, Business and Environmental/ Social Stewardship.

I’ve loved this course and the way to teach us everything with a lot of examples and people’s knowledge. It was a very useful course and I’ve learnt a lot of things I didn’t know.

– (Emma Gutiérrez)

Kindly make other courses related to CSR, Business Ethics and Sustainability, available on the edx platform. I would also like a part-2 of ST250x. Thank you

– (Onunaiwu Ebuka Daniel)


Great work, looking forward for more such courses related to Entrepreneurship and Business management

– (Karan Shah )

Thank you Team for conducting such a well planned and organized course. This has given me the opportunity to think and understand more in detail the Role of Sustainable Development in Business. The case studies and all the interviews conducted with all the stalwarts were very insightful and extremely interactive and informative

– (Meenakshi Menon)