IIMBx program

We offer our courses on 3 different platforms. Explore & Learn from the world class faculty!

Empowering Women through Entrepreneurship Program

About Programme & Partners
National Commission for Women is the apex statutory organisation working towards enabling women to achieve equality and equal participation in all spheres of life. Acknowledging that economic independence is the key to women empowerment, NCW aims to create a lasting impact for women across the country by providing women entrepreneur’s access to knowledge and skills required to grow and sustain their entrepreneurial ventures.

To this end, National Commission for Women has joined hands with Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, a renowned academic institution fostering excellence in management, innovation and entrepreneurship, and India SME Forum, India’s largest not for profit organization for small & medium enterprises, and has envisioned a collaborative online training programme to support and sponsor digital learning of 5000 aspiring women entrepreneurs. Selected women entrepreneurs will also get a special chance to be mentored and incubated by our knowledge and mentoring partner post completion of the course