Strategic Management

Course Information

Course Length    : 5 weeks
Estimated Effort : 3 – 4 hours per week 

Course Overview

In the backdrop of a highly competitive and dynamic business environment, it is imperative that every business stays strategically sound and updated. In this business and management course by IIMBx, which is created from the standpoint of Managers and CEOs, you will develop a strong understanding of some of the important analytical approaches that underlie the discipline of business strategy and, thereby, gain a bigger picture about the aspect of ‘competition’ among businesses.

In this course, we will examine a business in its ‘totality’ and in the context of its environment. Adopting the perspective of a manager or a Chief Executive Officer, we will explore the following concepts in detail:

The concept of Competitive Advantage and its relation to a firm’s strategy

Industry and competitive analysis

Resource and competency analysis

Strategy across corporate and business levels

P.D. Jose

Rejie George

Sai Yayavaram

 Course Instructor’s


Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB)


Course Syllabus

Week 1 - Introduction to Strategic Management

• Learning Objectives
• Introduction: What is Strategy?
• Strategic Decisions
• Strategic Management Process
• Video Case

Week 2 - Analyzing the External Environment

• Learning Objectives
• Industry Analysis
• PESTLE Analysis
• Leaders’ Insights

Week 3 - Analyzing the Internal Environment

• Learning Objectives
• Introduction: Analyzing the Internal Environment
• Definitions
• Resource Based View (RBV) Framework
• Illustration

Week 4 - Competitive Positioning

• Learning Objectives
• Introduction: Competitive Positioning
• Generic Strategies
• Determining Competitive Scope
• Generic Strategies: Risks
• Value Chain Analysis
• Crafting Successful Strategies
• Leader Insights

Week 5 - Managing the Multi-Business Firm

• Learning Objectives
• Introduction to Corporate Strategy
• Vertical Integration
• Product Diversification
• Geographic Diversification
• Choosing a Portfolio
• Managing a Multi-Business Firm
• Diversification in Emerging Economies
• Conclusion

Upon successfully completion of this course, learners should be able to:

  • Explain the fundamentals of business management from the perspective of strategy
  • Recall the ways in which a firm can sustain a competitive advantage
  • Elaborate on portfolio management

Executives, students pursuing post graduate studies, aspiring managers.