2015 – The Year of the Take Off

2015 – The Year of the Take Off

2015 marked the year of the take-off of the maiden journey of IIM Bangalore’s Flight MOOC2015! For the entire flight crew at India’s top B-school, it was a challenging and exciting year of design, build, test and go-live! As we plan out many more such...

A MOOC-er’s Wish List for 2016

When my 11-year old comes back from school, he gives me a minute-by-minute commentary of what he learnt at school. This is how he learns at school: Discuss latest events from a kid-friendly newspaper with teacher. Watch instructionally designed e-learning videos to...

Role of internal stakeholders in MOOC development

Producing MOOCs is not an easy task. It takes lot of effort, time, planning, resources and commitment. Various stakeholders are involved in creation of MOOCs, though what learners see is only Professor’s or Instructor’s presence.   MOOC production starts from the...

How to Make MOOCs ‘Massively’ Effective

In the past few months, as we grapple with making our MOOCs engaging and effective, our team came up with a framework called ‘The 7 Modern C’s of Engaging Learners in Online Courses.’ Note: A special shout-out to Suhail Panali and Ritu Tripathi...

Demystifying MOOCs – Part 1

MOOCs are now no different from products which we buy online, when it comes to the choices offered. Similar to online products, there are now numerous courses from institutions across the globe. In fact, since most MOOCs are free, there is now a confusion in the minds...

Types of MOOC learners

MOOC was started with the aim of making “learning” open to all via a digital platform. There are quite a few studies which are conducted to know the demography of learners who enroll for MOOC. But the aim of most of such research is limited to find out the percentage...

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