Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) has claimed the 3rd spot in MOOC Lab’s Business School Rankings 2020 for its provision, design and delivery of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). The 2020 edition of the rankings has surveyed 16 business schools across the world offering courses on the three leading MOOC platforms: Coursera, edX and FutureLearn. This is the first-ever Business School rankings based on the provision of MOOCs. IIM Bangalore succeeds HEC Paris (France) and Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (USA).
There are 44 open IIMB Digital Learning courses available on the edX platform, as well as a professional certificate and 2 Micro Masters® Programs which offer academic credit toward completing a master’s degree program.
Prof. P.D. Jose, Chair, IIMB Digital Learning, said: “Our MOOC initiative puts us apart from all the other Indian management schools and give us an edge in global presence.” Also known for its World University Rankings by MOOC Performance, MOOCLab’s Business School Rankings 2020 evaluate schools on five performance indicators—the provision of learning pathways, the provision of credit-granting credentials, the provision of MOOC-based degrees and the school’s teaching quality. These parameters measure a school’s performance across the number of MOOCs provided.
MOOCLab tallied its list for 2020 based on data obtained from the three leading MOOC platforms, Coursera, edX and FutureLearn. For the Teaching Quality Ranking, ranking scores were obtained from the Financial Times Executive Education open-enrolment Rankings 2019 for Teaching.