by iimbxonline | May 11, 2018 | Instructional Design
Open access is an essential aspect of MOOCs and in keeping with the openness, it is important to ensure inclusion and avoid bias or prejudice in our instructional narratives. This reduces the possibility of causing offence and avoids excluding a section of the...
by iimbxonline | May 9, 2018 | Expert insights
Think of a house without a blueprint. How does it look? The blueprint lays out a map of your house and the design on which you can build your dream home. A storyboard does that to your course. It lays a foundation, maps out the flow of your content, presents ideas...
by iimbxonline | May 3, 2018 | What to learn
You may be in marketing, operations, R&D, supply chain or strategic management but as you move up the ladder – any ladder – you will need to use finance. The best managerial decisions come from being able to analyse and interpret financial data, but how do you get...
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