Online education is taking over the ways and techniques of learning in the present generation. It is very well established that learning is considered as a lifelong process and now we can observe individuals reaching out to further education in various different phases of their life for many different purposes such as for their own thirst of knowledge, to enhance their skills, to cultivate more techniques in a particular field, and more such interesting reasons.

One such individual who has approached the world of online learning through MOOCs is Shubham Garg, who works as a Business Operations Analyst in an IT company. It is quite evident that technology plays a major role in this organisation. When he was browsing through edX platform, he came across a particular course in ‘Innovation and IT’ which peeked his interest. After deciding to take it up, this is what he had to say-

“I didn’t regret taking up this course. The course is well structured, covering different aspects of IT and Prof. De’s seamless delivery style makes it reasonably easy to understand. What I particularly loved were the case studies at the end of every unit which helped to bridge the gap between theoretical information and it’s practical aspects.”

He further mentioned that he looks forward to apply and implement this newly gained information in his future work and also that he wishes to share this knowledge with his fellow peers.

“All in all, it was a great experience working on this course and I look forward to more of such courses from IIMBx.”

Hope this story proves as an inspiration to more individuals to take up online learning!