Access to the internet means access to anytime, anywhere learning. Today, anyone with an internet connection can choose from a platter of courses from the world’s best universities with platforms like edX, Coursera, Udacity, and Khan Academy.

How does this impact us as MOOC creators?

Primarily, it means we shouldn’t limit the scope of our brainstorming to content alone. Hosting the course on a platform or learning management system – LMS – makes it both accessible and engaging. In addition, a good LMS helps improve cost efficiency and track  learner performance. Most importantly, it enables social learning or peer discussion.

Before you outline your course, how do you choose the LMS that best suits your institute’s or organisation’s goal? Finding the platform that gives you the features you want while staying budget-friendly can be a challenge. To determine the right LMS, here are a few questions you can ask:

  • What are the institute’s goals and expectations?
  • What are the key features you, the course creator, need in a platform?
  • What are the technical limitations your audience might have?
  • What is the level of support and maintenance you can provide?

Once you choose the platform, be sure to test it keeping your current and future needs in mind.

[This blog post was written by Aarathi Prasad, EdTech Manager at IIMBx]