Environmental concern has sensitised organisations to address sustainability in their policies and reduce the their dependency on natural resources. How can sustainability influence corporate strategy? How can it give organisations a competitive advantage?

Strategy and the Sustainable Enterprise, offered by IIMBx, helps answer these questions. It has been delivered by Professor PD Jose, a fellow of the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, who has also taught at several universities and consulted with government agencies and international organisations.

Through this course, students will understand what sustainability means in a business context and why it has caught the attention of the corporate world. Professor Jose will answer frequently-asked questions in this subject, like whether or not sustainability will affect a business’ core advantages; or why has it grabbed the spotlight.

This self-paced online course explores the emerging dynamic between sustainability issues and competitive advantages. Bouncing off basic concepts of strategic management, it will study how managers can transform their organisation into a ‘sustainable enterprise’.

Through numerous case studies, discussions and interviews, Professor Jose will help you develop an understanding of alternate, sustainable models of strategy. The course also demonstrate links between sustainable strategy and corporate performance; tools and and techniques employed by corporates to achieve increased sustainability; and how sustainability is understood by the stakeholder management, non-marketable environment and the issues/crises management.

While prior knowledge of sustainability will help you comprehend the course, the subject is delivered to help anyone interested in this field of study.

Enroll in the course here: https://www.edx.org/course/strategy-and-the-sustainable-enterprise

Here’s to a great learning journey!

[This blog post was written by Trina Gupta, Communications Intern, IIMBx]